New White Paper Highlights New Technology’s Potential in Sustainable Fisheries

More than three billion people worldwide depend upon fish for a fifth of their protein intake. But fisheries are under extreme pressure. A third of species monitored by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization are being fished at an unsustainable level. Climate change is likely to force a global redistribution of fish stocks; countries in the tropics face a catch reduction […]

International Partnership Programme – Scholarships for Studying Space Science

A group of students from across the African continent have recently graduated from the University of Strathclyde after studying for an MSc in Satellite Applications with Data Science. The course itself is running for the first time after being developed by the University of Strathclyde with support from the UK Space Agency. Seven students from […]

Publication of IPP Project Case Studies

UK Space Agency IPP’s Agri-Webinar

The UK Space Agency’s International Partnership Programme (IPP) hosted an online workshop on Thursday 29th October for the agricultural projects in IPP. Eleven projects attended, represented by ~35 attendees. The objective of the session was to provide a forum for networking and sharing of knowledge and lessons between the IPP projects, with the work undertaken […]

What Does Innovation Taste Like?

Original post here. SF Bay Coffee Company is a shining example of innovations for smallholder farmers in the African coffee business designed to improve livelihoods and sustainability. Farming five hectares in Kigoma Sector SF Bay’s 20,000 coffee trees sit at 1,743-1,935 metres above sea level. This location experiences varying temperature levels of 16-25 degrees, perfect for […]

Why Conscious Consumerism can Help Unlock Sustainability for Coffee Farmers

From the move to re-usable coffee cups and paper straws, to the purchasing of products from retailers with strong ethics statements, coffee-drinkers are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of their consumption habits. To continue to meet demand, many businesses are implementing sustainability initiatives, showcasing their commitments to ethical procurement processes, and demonstrating their corporate social responsibility.

UK Space Agency’s New Head of Sustainable Development

Afriqnmun Lovejoy is the UK Space Agency’s (UKSA) new Head of Sustainable Development.  She is an experienced Civil Service leader, with strengths in managing complex relationships, public policy and analysis, has significant experience of the climate sector, and recently attended an Executive Masters in Public Economics at the London School of Economics. Afriqnmun was previously […]

IPP ACCORD Project Endorsed by Farmers in Latest Survey Results

Original post here. The success of the ACCORD project relies critically on the enthusiastic adoption of the service by the farmers themselves. Even the smartest technology is ultimately useless if the users themselves don’t embrace it. A critical part of measuring the success and the impact of the ACCORD technology and service has therefore been […]

World Ocean Day – Sustainable Innovation for our Oceans

June 8th is World Oceans Day. This year, the theme is Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean. Marine ecosystems sit at the heart of many of the world’s global challenges: food, medicines, biodiversity, clean energy, climate regulation, job creation and inclusive growth. However, exploitation of our ‘blue economy’ is rife, from illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing […]

World Environment Day – Time for Nature

June 5th is World Environment Day. It is most renowned day for environmental action. This year, the theme is biodiversity. Biodiversity is foundational, it supports all life on land and below water. It affects human health, providing clean air and water, nutritious foods, disease resistance, and climate change mitigation. However, human actions, including deforestation, encroachment on […]