Tag: Earth Observation


Playing it Safe: A New Monitoring System for Tailings Dams can Prevent Disasters (IPP Project Blog)

High in the Peruvian Andes, a pilot study to test new remote sensing technology for far-flung tailings dams, using a combination of Earth Observation (EO) and on-the-ground sensing, and numerical modelling, has just come to a close. Craig Goff, a technical director at HR Wallingford, explains the project and the pioneering DAMSAT system, which could […]

gEOthermalKenya: Space for Communities (IPP Project Blog)

The gEOthermalKenya team has been working with Kenyan government partners to enhance the uptake of satellite EO data for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process associated with the country’s expanding geothermal energy sector.  The project has been funded through UKSA’s International Partnership Programme, part of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). Kenya has […]

SIBELIUs – Providing Alerts for the Emergency Services in Mongolia (IPP Project Blog)

The SIBELIUs project has been working in collaboration with Mongolia’s National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring (NAMEM) and the PRISM initiative, supported by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to ensure that Mongolia’s National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) are alerted to adverse environmental conditions that might impact on Mongolia’s large herding community. This […]