The International Partnership Programme (IPP) seeks to bridge the space and development communities. Our projects utilise space technology to respond to development challenges on the ground. A key part of our programme is knowledge sharing; all of our IPP projects must produce a case study to publicise the progress of their work and the lessons learned.

Recent case studies include the PASSES project led by CGI. This project uses satellite radar technology to track the movement of peatlands across South East Asia.

Peatlands are a significant carbon store: between them, peatlands and organic soils contain 30% of the world’s soil carbon but only cover 3 percent of the Earth’s land area. These areas are at risk of degradation through intensive land use and mismanagement. Peatland conservation, restoration and improved management are low-hanging fruit for climate change mitigation and satellite enabled services like PASSES are essential for cost effective peatland management.

The ACCORD project lead by Earth-i have also recently published their case study. This project is working across Kenya and Rwanda helping farmers make timely, important decisions about crops with greater certainty than traditional methods.

The ACCORD project offers a smarter, data-driven solution by using satellite-enabled technology, combined with localised weather and ground truth data. The project so far has mapped nearly 50,000 fields, helping thousands of small-holder farmers make better decisions to improve the quantity and quality of the coffee they are producing.

The C-RISE project led by the National Oceanography Centre and Satellite Oceanographic Consultants is working with partners in Madagascar, Mozambique and Mauritius to provide satellite-derived data on sea level, winds, waves and currents to support vulnerable coastal populations in adapting to the consequences of climate variability and change.

The project enables institutions in the partner countries to work with the C-RISe products to inform decision-making. It enables effective uptake of C-RISe data by commercial and operational sectors in the region and contributes to the improved management of coastal regions, enabling these countries to build increased coastal resilience to natural hazards.

These are just some of the case study publications coming from the IPP programme. The majority of current IPP projects are due to run until March 2021 and we expect to continue to see the publication of further case studies and details of further impacts made.

A wider range of satellite enabled development solutions can be found in our Space solutions for Development catalogue; here we have collated a series of space enabled development tools. These tools respond to a full range of Development challenges and are aimed at operational users in developing countries.