International Partnership Programme Portfolio
An overview of the UK Space Agency International Partnership Programme and its portfolio of projects.
The International Partnership Programme (IPP) is a 5 year, £30 million per year programme run by the UK Space Agency. IPP uses the UK Space sector’s research and innovation strengths to deliver a sustainable, economic or societal benefit to undeveloped nations and developing economies. IPP is funded from the BEIS Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). As GCRF forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) ring-fenced budget, IPP is required to be fully ODA compliant and will be delivered in line with the UN sustainability goals.
IPP seeks to maximise the practical impact on the lives of those living in developing countries by partnering with developing countries to use space solutions to solve their specific development challenges, and in doing so increase their capacity. As a secondary objective, IPP will contribute to the continued strength of the UK’s space sector; building on the unique strengths that the sector has in terms of services and technology to deliver the aid objectives. The projects within IPP span a whole range of themes; including reducing deforestation, disaster response, land-use monitoring, reducing maritime problems and deploying renewable energy.