Avanti iKnowledge – (IPP Case Study)
The iKnowledge project is led by Avanti Communications Ltd, an international satellite broadband provider. One of Avanti’s goals is to help countries ‘go digital’ through the use of satellite internet in order to increase prosperity, inclusivity and security. The iKnowledge project is one of the company’s large-scale educational intervention projects, where the organization works with both government and private sector to bring a combination of satellite internet with ICT equipment and capacity training for teachers in Tanzanian schools. The goal of iKnowledge is to provide access to quality education through the combination of internet connectivity, capacity building, and ICT resources.
The iKnowledge project aims to demonstrate how access to broadband via satellite can equip teachers to create an improved teaching and learning environment in both primary and secondary schools, through transformed teaching methodologies. This is realised through the provision of connectivity, capacity building training, ICT resources, and digital content delivered through an educational platform. Once these interventions are combined and supported by local and national partnerships, a comprehensive learning experience is created that contributes to an improved educational environment for teachers and learners and ultimately addresses the UN SDG 4: to
- “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” and SD9: to
- “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
The iKnowledge project outputs:
- 312 schools provided with satellite connectivity and a total of 917 laptops and 323 projectors.
- 574 individual teachers trained and 88% reporting that the training was relevant to their needs.
- 100% of trained teachers reporting improved ICT capacity and skills.
- 90% of teachers reporting that they feel more confident to use ICT as part of their teaching.
- 34,575 students directly reached through iKnowledge since the beginning of the project.
- 79% of students report using ICT for their learning.
- 96% of students report an increase in integration of ICT resources in the classroom.